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Game world is live when you boot in, despite having a UI explaining the game to you. New players will be challenged to get off on a strong foot. Starting off with the Molasses level, the top down perspective makes it difficult to see the world and figure out where to go. The concept sounds fun and exciting, but the player is left wondering what they are supposed to do and how to interact with the world. It was also not certain how long you could last in the flood waters or how long they lasted, until you saw the thin white line slowly inking past the edge of the screen. The fun trivia added to the end is interesting and informational, providing the inspiration behind the levels. 

The birds minigame piqued my interest but instead of having a torrent of avians, I found only 1 avian across 2 playthroughs. I could barely even get hail in my bucket as well. The fish and jello minigames are also just a rehash of that one too. In the Jello one, there were a decent amount of Jello's dropping, but they were always out of range and landed before the player could get to them.

Overall as a prototype this is playable and it is clear there is potential. It does fit the theme by challenging users if the event they just experienced is real or not, but it would be nice if the world environment included details to hint at that rather than leave them guessing. 

Thank you for taking the time to try it out and for the detailed feedback! I agree with you that I need to do more to help the player understand and navigate the environment - hopefully I can keep building this out now that the jam is complete.