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Thank you so much for your feedback!

I've had flawless audio on Mac and Linux during development and testing. I'm still improving the Windows output, but I was hopeful I had smoothed things out, so I am disappointed to hear it's still not behaving. 

I've been building the engine core for a couple of months prior (started in June), but all the high-level pieces (Entity-Component-System, tile-map parsing, physics, collision, etc) were all produced during the span of this jam. 

If you were finding a slow framerate, the music will have been affected also, but I wonder what's causing the slowdown. I'll investigate that.

We were definitely going for a early to mid-90's feel. The game is heavily inspired by the movie Hackers from 1995, as well as MSX/NES era games.

I hope to continue working at it, chipping away on the bugs and issues until it's perfect, so hopefully you'll come back when it's working better :)