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(1 edit)

awesome composition and conception and i like the musical vibration.
i have the same issue here that the fact of not being able to really see the face of this character who is shaped very organic and humanoid - can be my personal 'theatromania' but i believe somehow that if you use a character able to simulate human expression (and through this create something like an empathic link with the person playing the game) you should also show this expression to open the door to this connection ...
maybe shifting the plane a bit more inbetween top-down and frontal could do this already ... but well, also don't know as this would make it loose some of the wideness of the perspective that i actually liked.
but yes, somehow i felt shocked that in the end (to say it with some irony) i saw more from the zombies' 'inside world' than from the character who i was ment to guide through the laybyrinth ...
i saw a lot of potential in the movement-possibilities of the character like e.g. changing speed and directions, as i didn't get the thing with the mines and stuff - so i tried to 'trick' the zombies by running around them and changing directions frequently - actually it worked somehow (sometimes) :o)