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Hi, thanks for the issues report and good advices. Part of them are known but a couple are new. I note all of them.

In two years of development, ideas changed 2 times, so concept and implementation are not as clear as I wanted. Drones appeared in-game not as long ago, and problems of them always have been.

I am working on another factory-builder game, that is in a similar phase of development as BaseCraft, but this time I have support in design and graphics.

If you like those types of games and want to give us as professional feedback as that about the new developing game, leave any communication way.

I would be happy to try out anything new and give feedback. Will it be here on or somewhere else?

Yes, it will be available on itch io. We plan to release it for web browsers and Windows (32 & 64 bits).

As of right now, the game is fully playable and has enough content to play for over 1 hour (potentially even a few hours before you will get everything). The only lacking thing is an art and last improvements to the gameplay/ UI. We still haven't fully started working on that, but we already have a dozen of high-quality icons (for recipes and resources).

I've asked you about professional feedback because soon, we will start developing a tutorial for the game. This big task alone will take us probably several weeks. But once it is done, we wanted to make sure the game is balanced as good as possible. We will most likely do this before the public release of the game so we'd share the game via more private/ local ways of communication.

I'd suggest our tiny discord server for communication If you'd like to help us make this game better, feel free to. If you would like to wait for the full release, we have no problem with that.

Great! I will post there, as well... But for the moment, I will post this here, as I believe feedback from everyone here will also be helpful to you.

First things, first... Put the whole issue of Web/Win(32/64) aside. Separate the game engine from _both_ the game presentation (including UI, graphics, and platform), and game data. Focus _only_ on one part at a time. Then, you will have a game engine that can run on Web/Win/Mac/Linux/Whatever, and you only have to develop the parts of the UI that are different for each platform, without needing to constantly refactor the engine.

The same holds true of the visual (graphics), audio, and the game data. You want each part to be able to operate both on it's own, and when combined in different configurations. Maybe you can do multiple--There is quite a large number of "old school"/retro/vintage users out there and on Itch (look at all the retro 8-bit remakes on here!): You could offer a "retro 8-bit" UI and graphics, as well as a modern HI-Res version, without a lot of extra code (or re-coding). It also makes it relatively easy to provide simple models for different platforms such as Web/Win/Mac/Linux/Android/iOS/whatever.

Another advantage is... you mentioned a tutorial. I would put that aside for now -- make the different components separate modules (Engine/Data/UI/Platform), and a tutorial will likely become extremely easy to add, as it would fall under Game Data, and be more of a matter of the tutorial simply combining the other parts of the game in a guided manner. From the Engine's perspective, it does not matter if it receives a command from the user or a tutorial script. It simply does what it was commanded to do, such as take Object A and Object B, and mix/combine them to create Object C.

You can also worry about balancing mostly when working on the Game Data, and not need to worry about the Engine or UI while trying to find a good balance. Same goes for the graphics. You could set the graphics initially to be simple colored dots on the screen during development, and worry about fancy, hi-res graphics and art without needing to change the engine code. And so on.

All these things are the very heart of any kind of computer development and programming, and more so when you add in object orientation: Encapsulation, Implementation, Interface, Modularity, Re-usability, etc.

One thing I always keep in mind, even when writing a short, one-shot program to handle a specific task, is that the computer is nothing more than a numerical processing machine. It does not care where the numbers come from, or if the numbers represent "pure text", or high quality graphics, or something else. It simply follows the same pattern: Input Data, Process the Data, Output the Results, and Repeat it all again.

One thing to note, in particular, is that nowhere did I state "analyze the data". That is because the computer cannot do that on it's own. It cannot look at the data and conclude that it is script to execute or an image to display! Yes, you can give it instructions on how to do that, but it cannot do it until _you_ tell it _how_ to--even if that is simply giving it a code library you or someone else already wrote to do so.

Keep that in mind and you will start to think in the way I do: At the lowest level, you simply have a series of instructions telling it how to input/process/output. At the next level, you do the _same thing_! The only difference is that instead of low-level CPU primitives, you are combining code libraries in a sequence that accomplishes the desired (sub-)task. And the same thing for the next higher level; The process does not change -- only the building blocks do, becoming more complex at each new higher level, until the level and complexity are sufficient enough to complete(/solve) the task at hand.