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I am on my seventh run and this was my end build:

I was very lucky there. First of, in this entire run I encountered the key sword no less than 3 times (which was also my first time ever seeing this weapon because I genuinely did not know it existed).

The first time, I found it in a chest and it was immediately discarded because I had only 1 key and the club was better with its extra ability to weaken enemies over time.

The second time, I obtained it from re-arranging my backpack in the middle of battle, I had stacked up a bit because I just couldn't find anything useful in the dungeon to keep and there were no door whatsoever to use the keys on, so I had 4 keys on me.

The third time, I found it in a chest and used it to open a single door. The luckiest part of the run is the fact that I encountered a door only once and the healer a ton, so it's my first time ever gaining this much health.

Another thing that I'm lucky about was finding the necronomicon which is incredibly rare, I have only seen it 3 times across 2 runs total. Too bad I didn't have any damaging wand on me to use on the enemies, but at least the whetstone and the key sword basically carried me through the game.

(1 edit)

I really like the new weapons from the latest hotfix.

Also, I came across a cursed shiv earlier and I wanted to build around that for unlimited energy, but it seems both of the bracelets got retconned out of the game, so I discarded the shiv halfway through. I can at least get behind the change.

EDIT: The bracelets are still in the game, nevermind that.