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I plan to use keyboard

I know that there should be a mapper solution for that

Sorry for the long pause in replying (due to personal things I havent had the time to develop the game so intensively). I now pushed a big update for the game, so now I have more time to think and try to test the Linux version. What Linux distro are you running? I have installed PopOS, so I could try to make a debian package of the game maybe. Although I haven't thought how to exactly implement keyboard controls for the game (or then the aiming would be only in 45 degree steps, there wouldn't be any smooth aiming like with a game controller).

(1 edit) (+1)

I used Ubuntu and plan to go with fedora too.  Try what you feel that will be easy for you (then porting should not be a problem)

From my experience (it is not much but still) I think that it is best to focus on a cross distro option.

If a bundle to download you want I think that it best to use appimage

If you looking to let the user auto update I would recommend

- flatpak  (and  has as its biggest repository of its type)

- snap store (is has its one repository)

I can try and help I you want

(4 edits)

Thanks for the info and thanks for the offer! Actually I just now uploaded a Linux version of the demo, if you are interested to test it. Although I have only tested that the game works with wireless Xbox Series S/X controllers with the USB dongle (I'm using Xone drivers under PopOS). I still need to verify that other game controllers work also. Are you still using only keyboard? Or do you perhaps have some game controllers?

The AppImage could be actually a good way to package the game in the future. Currently I just compressed the game to a zip file (the executable file is named "T-Time.x86_64"). I will have to read more about the AppImage (how to make an AppImage).

The user auto updatable might be bit out of my current scope.  And it seems also that in Flathub and Snap Store, you can't distribute any paid games currently. I'm not sure if they allow to distribute a demo of a game in those.

(There's a small bug currently in the Linux version with Xbox Series S/X controllers that the Menu button in the controller doesn't work as a start button. You have to use the View button in the game controller for start)