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The newest version I downloaded has a few things i want to mention. Im not able to recruit Amelie after forgetting to talk to her at the tavern for the first time now she just wanders never to return. None of the Bird H-Scenes work, Idk if they're suppose to have any but if they did they dont work. Female dragon progeny assets dont load in the one instance ive had. Another oddity In my game is Human princesses icon is at the Farm indicating that she would be there? When shes not. The last thing is maybe more H-Scenes, humans and fairies have like 1 where others have 2-3. Variety would just be nice, overall 7.5/10 "Hope for more Kingdoms and Adventure's"

(1 edit)

Wandering NPC's can get stuck in a loop where they reset every time you enter and exist a new territory and getting them unstuck can be a real pain. I had that same problem with Pirate Princess.

Bird H Scene doesn't work for me either.

The game has a memory leak that can slowly build up over a few hours, and the engine can't handle more than 2gb of memory at a time, so when assets stop loading it's a good sign to restart the game before it crashes. Restarting it resets the memory usage to normal.

The icon at the farm indicates which princess controls the farm, often a good indicator that the Insect Kingdom is about to arrive is when the Insect Princess starts controlling it.