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(0.5.19) in scripts/combat: 

You hastly escape from the fight.                                             hastily (or quickly)

in combatdata:

As you walk through the wildreness, you hear fierce roar.                                                wilderness  //    a fierce roar

by getting into it's territory.                                                       its

You come across [color=aqua]group of ooze monsters                                             a group

bystrander already reported by Blargenbum

numerous watchmen moving around and few captives too                                       a few captives

leading few recently [color=yellow]captured victims                                            leading a few

You spot and [color=aqua]ugly creature                                                     an ugly creature

You have been spotted by [color=aqua]patrolling militia[/color] group from Wimborn.                            either: by a patrolling militia group OR by patrolling militia

(Same thing for large militia group and for other towns)

in dictionary:

allows the slave to be melded to suit your taste                                                   molded