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Oh okay! Gotcha, when trying to launch the app it just isn't loading? Have you tried uninstalling and installing it again to see if that fixes it? (Sadly our mobile support has had quite a bit of reports from users having problems in the past. What we're probably going to end up doing here with our next releases, is add a disclaimer that lightly warns users that our Android builds are lower priority compared to pc/mac builds during major development. It's more of a bonus and hopefully one that works on most devices or doesn't run into many issues for some. ^^" )

when I launch the app, it works as it should. However the buttons in the main menu don't work. Uninstalling and installing it again doesn't work either.

Very odd.. <.< It could be a device side issue possibly. (Hardest part about mobile support/specs) I don't know if you have another phone device or tablet you can try downloading it on to test if it works. We'll try to look into things on our side with the engine, but sadly with mobile. There's a lot more variables going on with it works for one  person without any issue, but someone else's device can't launch it, buttons not working, etc.

Regardless, thank you for bringing this to our attention. I can't promise we'll be able to fix this, as there's a number of factors at play and our primary development focus for now is more on pc/mac versions working as intended. (We'll still try putting time aside though if there's anything we can do on our end, sorry for the troubles! >.< )

Its all good, looking forward to the patch!

Yo I have finally able to start the game from the main menu with the latest version of the game. Thank you very much!!

Glad to hear that! ^^ Although we actually haven't updated or changed anything yet, so maybe it just needed another try again. :P Either way, glad it's working!