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Oh jeez, this was something else. I hopped right in expecting it to be a quirky little housewife simulator, maybe a few jokes here and there about stereotypes and the like...

But instead I was thrust headfirst into a reality of crushing depression and a constant feeling of being on edge and being judged by everyone and surrounded by people who have absolutely no idea how damaged I am on the inside.

I was blown away by this, and there were genuinely some moments I felt personally attacked by what Victorine's family members were saying to her. I'm sure I'm not the only person who burrowed into this game who deals with depression, but of course that's a situation that everyone handles differently... however this game does a wonderful job of putting the feeling right into the very depths of your mind.

I left this game a changed person, and I still don't know if I'm ever going to recover from it. Anyone who hasn't experienced this game yet needs to change that right now!

Keep up the always amazing work everyone, this was outstanding.