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This game has so much good stuff going for it!
The characters feel pretty much like genuine people and I especially like how the MC is just genuinely kind and respectful. I also like how the different everyday events have their own little stories to follow, making it feel like a true slice of life game. I appreciate how care seems to have been put in to make the different events not contradict each other and make logical sense. 
The English grammar, spelling and general usage of words is also among the best I've seen on this platform, which is really refreshing to see.
The thing that impressed me the most though, was how one character told me to visit her at work the next morning. However, the next morning for me at that point was Saturday, so she would be free and I'd have to wait until Monday to visit her. At that point I expected nothing more and just thought that even though she said it'd be tomorrow, I'd have to just create a small logical discrepancy and visit her on Monday as if it were natural.
BUT THEN, she actually said on her own accord that tomorrow will be the weekend so we'd have to wait! THAT is quality!
In other words, the amount of thought and care put into the details in this game is second to none, so I highly recommend anyone to give it a try if any of the above stuff seems interesting.

Cheers. Makes me happy to see you enjoyed it.