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oh dear, I'm so sorry so many of you have had to face such horrible things. This world truly is cruel to those who don't deserve it ):

I truly hope everything gets better soon and that you can be at ease once more. And hearing sally's message made my heart hurt, why would her doctor put her on something so extreme like morphine?!? 

My friends and I wish you wellness and will be supporting you guys no matter how long it takes!  We wish you only the best and are praying for you that everything can improve soon, no one deserves such terrible treatment...

Thank you for the update, and please take care !!

 Prenez bien soin de vous ! 


Hi Syl, thank you for your  kind words! It helps with our current situation, really.

We wonder the exact same thing, but unfortunately there's nothing much we can do now about that except try our best to fight it! 

Again, thank you and your friends for the nice thoughts and words, we can keep going thanks to our dear community being so supportive and understanding and patient! 

Take care too Syl, it has been a rough couple years! 
