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Oh itch didn't let me know there was an update. Are there plans to add anymore to this, or at this point it'd have to wait until a sequel? I think it might be nice to offer a mode without buybacks, just to keep the action going - but I do tend to lean that the main draw to strip poker, is the well, strip.

My concern would be that would make it possible to complete the game very quickly.

It would take away some of the satisfaction of winning a long contest.

I know the constant back and forth can get annoying after a while.

That's true, although the back and forth is rather dull. But some of that might be also because the amount of money involved keeps inflating, therefore making a victory one way or the other kind of a slog. Maybe instead of no buy back, a potential option that makes the offered money come out of the other player's bank? Or maybe only a limited amount comes out of thin air or something...

After thinking about it again, I can see it's a very good idea. I will add it as an option in the next update.

Thanks for your feedback!

Thank you for reading it! I was just thinking on your comment earlier about satisfaction of winning a long contest. I can see that line of thought, although at the moment I'd say the biggest hindrance to that is there isn't a lot 'going on', as it were. I tend to think of Strip Poker Night at the Inventory as the prime example of an 'ideal' strip poker game at the moment, and in that a longer game is fine because of the dialogue keeping everything engaging.

The limited voice acting in this game is rather nice, although its very infrequent and it isn't really tied to the current situation in the same way. I'd think for a 'longer' game to just not be a lot of back and forth, putting clothes on, and then taking them off, would need some deeper engagement between the player and the opponent. I mean, I'd think watching your opponent undress constantly, then redress would get a little annoying after a point! (And for her, I'm sure!)