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(2 edits)

Hi there ! 

Really nice game, quite short yet nice plot and pictures...
But really buggy game (v0.7)

I'm listing here a list of things that, in my opinion, should be patched ASAP due to it breaking the game :

  • Meeting Titania in the forest (when there's 3 spot to check) : If you go to the right spot, then leave, you end up killing the monster with titania help (even tho she isn't there with you), and result in a crash at the end of the forest.
  • While solving the volcano puzzle game, the indication about the door isn't clear (Missing a "locked" textbox). So if you jump in the cart again, you end up going in the wall and be stuck
  • If you go back to the palace after being in Lumis, leave and speak to Morati, the initial plot start again, resulting in a black screen.
  • One crash occured during Velexia final scene. Not sure about the reason, just occured.

Also, here is few things that, in my opinion, should be patched : 

  • When in the forest for Velexia quest (killing lots of goblin), if you go to the memories and go out, every monster respawn. Good way to grind, but not sure if that's a feature.
  • Lucille do not appear during the trip, when Titania and Vulsha did. Lack of coherence (and not able to steal her gear made me sad, see next point).
  • Vulsha and Titania equipment can be removed, both having named Halberd. When titania one give +0 atk (so basically useless), Vulsha one give +145 atk, making the melee atk a bit overpowered.
  • When cleaning the sewers, one slime get instakill without reason (no texture change). As hp are quite thought at this moment, it made me rest for nothing.
  • While corrupting Aewen. I think launching the scene while being ethereal mode make it occurs. I was able to get through anything (wall, char etc). No crash, but quite hard to keep the plot.
  • During lots of scene, the player name is back to "Player", even if a name was setted up for the hero.
  • Vulsha title is "Vulsha", Titania tittle is "hero", our character title is "hero". Wouldn't "Princess bodyguard" would be better for Vulsha (Char screen while partying).

And finally some improvement I suggest : 

  • Resting in bed should full heal at any hour. Only fully heal at night made me rest many time just for it (not complaining about the stamina, even tho I don't understand what money is useful for except sleeping at inn, still don't know why I did purchase this pickaxe)
  • Only one blacksoul is available (other than the one given at the start), so you never get to learn the others skill (when the healing skill could be useful, as there is no pot available, see next point). Maybe add more, or delete this functionality ?
  • Potion should be available. When there is some in box while picking up Velexia's letter, I haven't found a way to purchase them outside.
  • The girls in the noble inn accept the drink, but no following up. Maybe a next feature ?
  • Where's the gentleman club ? After sending them few girls, could appear somewhere for a quick scene.
  • The first scene (before receiving our power, with Vulsha) isn't available in the memories.
  • Still haven't found how to use blue souls. It's good collecting them, but if you can't spend them... (and you don't even collect any while killing monster in Gobboe quest).
  • Lockpick are useless, pickaxe is useless and cleansing potion doesn't seem useful either (only effect noticed was with the chaman, yet doesn't seem to have effect). For next features, or to be deleted ?
  • Every skills after Magic Fingers appears to be useless. Is this for next features ?

Hope to see Melina and the finals ending in the future,
