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I like how the Diner is coming along, although fps is still the lowest there overall. The waitress' voice is decent compared to others that have a very synthesized, screechy/chalkboard effect type of voice. Once again I respect the dev's vision, but it's something that does stand out (a bit jarring at times). It doesn't sully the experience too much, as I'm always gawking at the visuals.

I also like that there's a fast travel button now in the cruiser. I'm noticing the little extra tidbits of conversation that is acting as a placeholder for later updates. Definitely looking forward to dialog options later down the road and maybe more actual humans mixed in with the robots. I'm sure it's all a delicate balance with keeping fps decent.

Speaking of which, I recommend this patch for anyone severely suffering from low fps, but still want good visuals (just set the config file to balanced, quality or performance).