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This is really neat! I loved the overall theme and the visuals. To a certain extent, it was giving me Stanley Parable vibes. My only complains would be that the voice audio sounded a bit odd (distorted?), and sometimes didn't match the subtitle timing (or wasn't present at all). Overall, well done! :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much! 

Stanley Parable was definetly a major influence for this game. The distorted audio was sort of on purpose and sort of us playing with it :P

But yeah, it’s unfortunate that we didn’t have enough time for timing the subtitles right. We did try our best, but we had some bugs at the last minute that needed fixing. 

Anyway, we are fixing up everything we couldn’t at the jam and probably gonna release it as soon as the GMTK Jam is over, so everyone can experience what  we envisioned. 

Thanks again ;)