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Wow. Thank you for all of this weapon feedback. I have just gone through all the weapons and rebalanced them based on some of the changes in the next update. While I was balancing yesterday, I noticed that the turbo laser and mega cannon were both in weird places with respect to their dps.

In this next update, I have made weapons significantly heavier. This is due to the fact that you can now have unlimited weapons on your island. There is also going to be a new dodging and crit system. With dodging, the less extra thrust you have, the less you will dodge. With crits, every weapon lowers your crit chance by a set amount(each weapons lowers it the same) and only the core gives you an island wide crit chance.

With these changes, I want the "spam every weapon till they die" to still be viable, but I also want the "slowly and strategically" strategies to be good as well.

This in turn may also help the forge if you are going for the more carefully planned strategies. BTW, you don't have to put 3 weapons in the forge to get a weapon. Putting in 2 weapons and a non-weapon will still give you a weapon. Also putting in a block, module and weapon has the chance of giving you a weapon as well. 

Shops do have fixed items in them. Each shop always carries a decent block, a module, a weapon, and a tech(in the new update) and a floatron.

Sorry about the bot deleting your wall of text. It does that to try to prevent spammers(we had some a while back).

Thank you so much for the feedback!