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Deleted 2 years ago

Hello ~
I'm not really good at explaining things, but I'll try my best !

First you have to download the game's .zip which is just above the comments section (careful not to click the mac button).
Once your .zip is downloaded, you have to "de-zip" it by right clicking on it, then use your archives' software to extract the .exe
I'm only familiar with 7Zip and I don't really know how it works with other softwares, sorry...
Though if you are using 7zip as well :

1. Right click on the .zip that you just downloaded
2. Mouse over 7-zip, then "Extract to TWaHA"
3. Once done, double click the new file. It has the same name than the previous file that you downloaded, except it's not a .zip anymore
4. Double click "TWaHA.exe" and voilà ! You should be able to run the game and play it ~

I hope you'll enjoy ❤