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I feel like this is one of the mini games you would play in Mario Party that would break friendships lol. Great party game vibe and the computer AI implementation feels alive and almost difficult to beat!! I, of course, lost against the computers but it was definitely a great experience.

The controls are a bit tough and not intuitive in my opinion. I would think I could move in any of the four directions without having to bounce on a wall at least once. The slow motion did add some juice but I felt like it was more disruptive than juicy unless it was my throw then it feels good lol. Did you use Engine.time_scale for that? If you did, you sly devs, you.

The 2d on 3d look was great but it was hard to judge where in the 3d space i was when i was in the back of the arena vs when i was in the front. Probably a perspective thing but it adds a little bit of that skill factor involved so it could go either way!

And FYI, Godot FTW.