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How do you add a picture to the project I don't think the star is a good look ! Lol

(1 edit)

I think you can just get a png image and then when uploading the game, theres a place where you can select it.

(I think thats it, dont kill me if it doesnt work)

Thanks I'll have a look !

(1 edit)

Tried posting image in a few places but no luck thanks anyway, you're one of the few who try to help people !

Thanks :)

What do you mean? I'm not sure what you're asking? Do you mean on the project page?

When you go to the entries everyone has a picture of there project accept me!

I'm not not sure why?

You have to add one. Go to your "Edit Game" page on your games page, and you'll be able to upload it there. 


Yes I see it now, you pointed it out to me. I couldn't see for looking Lol!. Thanks for the help

Lol. No worries! It happens to the best of us!