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Presentation is very nice, the graphics are satisfying as well as the music. Nice minimal but effective instructions. Just beware of the font, fancy fonts aren't so readable and are heavy on the eyes! About the mechanics, they are original, but there is an important issue: it is more convenient to randomly press cards than to actually play the game right doing the maths at each turn D: It needs some balancing, because by just pressing cards randomly you can avoid losing indefinitely 

(1 edit)

It definitely needs some balancing, but I still think you got lucky x) With a bad hand you can get some -4 x 3 pretty fast and ruin your score. Thanks for your feedback, I'll give more thoughts to the cards and the distribution (right now it is completely random)

(I just checked, by playing the cards as they arrived without thinking, I lasted 01:11, while I can usually survive 3 minutes, and got up to 6, by playing purposefully)

And you're totally right about the font!