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This game's a neat little work of love. Having to "regain your humanity" so to speak, to even have a chance at regaining your lost love is a fine notion. Visuals-wise, was Katsuiro Otomo's Metropolis a source of inspiration? I'm kinda getting a similar vibe.

At any rate and on drier matters, I had some trouble running on Linux. The Itch client fails to launch (here's the error trace); it looks like it might be having trouble reading $SCRIPTPATH as defined in Linux/CyborgSeppuku? But it is defined and called correctly with quotes, it is a single string with whitespace in it. Also ags64 is exactly where it's looking for it, no idea why it can't find it. But tbh I'm not really sure how that script works, since all it supposedly does is define a couple env variables but if you run it by hand it executes AGS and the game somehow (and completely scrambles your randr configuration if launched fullscreen as by default, but details). Might be the problem is just with the Itch client.


Thanks for your kind words :) 

Otomo was not a direct influence, but I've seen his films so perhaps my subconscience played a little trick :)

As for the Linux problem, I'll ask the AGS forums. I'm not the best coder nor do I know Linux. Thanks for the feedback!

