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(3 edits) (+1)

Looks cute
but on first play I didn't see the point or skill or story?
It needs something within the game to say what you are supposed to be doing and how (I'm not good at reading stuff below a game I just tend to play.)
I wasnt sure what or why I was clicking on the bottom things till playing again when I see they are related to the coins.
I then moved it to my touch screen and it played  a lot better and now I understand more what I'm doing.
It does need a full screen option as its a bit cut off on my smaller screen.
If I play a few times then thats good in my books (but I so very nearly didnt)
One more time to beat my prev score....
Well done

[Edit] Just spotted you can buy your hearts back - that made it a bit easier and once youve maxed out there is little clicking needed doing.
The shoot speed seemed to go from quite slow to very fast and not sure when it happened as I was busy clicking on everything and upgrading like crazy. Gave up around level 11 as I seemed pretty invincible!

Thank you so much for giving me that much feedback! :)