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I actually missed unlocking the legs, thought the last key would be used up above.

As mentioned by a few others the floor was a little problematic, so I went and recalibrated .. could just fake the floor being a little higher to get round this issue as I find most people don't have accurate floors (people be lazy).

Water was nice .. tried to catch it in the bucket at one point, but thats more down to the water mechanics looking good.

Good tutorial .. glad to see that added its often missed.

A few notes:

- Hands were a little jittery in place .. I would lock the root and then the wrist and only motion the other joints to give the impression of being locked in place.

- A little more indication on the legs .. mixed in with the other bones they get a little lost. 

- I would add a button to skip the intro (black screen) after the first playthrough. Though I like to mess with mechanics so I can give feedback so maybe I play a little more than others.

Well thought out escape room .. good job!

Originally I had the idea to lock the grate on top and you would have to climb a variety of ledges to climb out and unlock the grate. That was a little too ambitious for a 72hr game jam so we just went for the legs and arms. 

We totally should have locked the root on the wrist! Great catch! Didn't even think of doing that.

The legs and arms were actually going to be fullbody IK. Obviously, we didn't have enough time for that otherwise that would have been a cool way to increase immersion and you would have definitely noticed your legs were locked. If we can restore the game after I messed up the github we might get a chance to update it.

A skip would be a good idea too. We figured there were a lot of games to play so we didn't go for replayability. There were some ideas thrown around about procedurally generating the key locations or dropping the keys from the top of the grate into the well using physics for variety. Thanks for playing!