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(4 edits)

I think that the essence of the game is greatly captured and have enjoyed it a lot already in this Amiga flavour....Thanks a Lot for your efforts and giving the Amiga a proper conversion of the blockbuster game!

Two minor things for your kind consideration ;

1)  It could be possible to add the "game over" tune? It was great...

2) I have noticed that while running you can jump to the first floor of the bridge or on top of the missile trucks. This leaves stairs nearly useless...Is this an intentional feature?

Thanks again!

(1 edit)

Thank you very much, I'm always adjusting following comments. The jump gets the most critics (too fast, too low and silly) so I did this version that has a long jump (you can jump from truck to truck, it's great) and it makes ladders *even more useless*.  WHAT!?.  Long history, worth of a blog post, but to sum up, ladders plagued the development of the game to the point I added the option to jump/skip them. Surprisingly, I didn't received criticism regarding them yet, which is great.  About game over music, there's a lot of music missing, unfortunately, as the musician ran into personal problems. We're getting another musician to help deliver all the missing music and we'll keep posting.  Edited: just updated this page with updated FEBRUARY03 version which has gameplay improvements.