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(2 edits)

Hey! I left the most of downloadable games for final day and it’s a shame a lot of people are not even giving them a try as I can see in your ratings.

Your cover is not fair to the incredible made game that it hides. This and the fact that is only downloadable are the possible walls between this masterpiece and one of the prizes, but I hope it’s still possible for you.

You have earned my respect!


thank you so much for the kind words but what exactly do you mean with its not downloadable? The Web GL version was unfortunately way too corrupted to use but I thought the downloadable versions were working...

is only downloadable* sorry


oh ok makes sense now xD thought something went wrong with the windows version or something. Yea like I said already I originally planed to make it a browser game but Unity decided to be Unity and messed up everything when I tried to export it