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Here's some feedback on your game:

1. The theme

The main mechanic and also the idea of protecting a little egg is great and really unique, i enjoyed it.

2. The gameplay

The gameplay is also really fun, because of it i added this game to my game jam games collection, but i would like to see the game with full keyboard controls. Plus, i don't know if the level is randomly generated, but there are way too many checkpoints and i have no idea what there are for, also, sometimes there is a little gap between blocks of land.

3. The graphics

The graphics look really good, but the text is really blurry.

4. The sounds

The sounds are great, maybe add some music.

I hope my feedback helped you, and it would be nice if you could check out my submission too! Thanks! :)


The level is a random sequence of handmade chunks in a difficulty progression. The first one is always the tutorial. The flag is the end of a chunk. The gap between the blocks is the transition of one tilemap instance to the next. I will change it in the future, using only one tilemap.

The blurry text and the lack of music is a consequence of bad time management.

Thanks for the feedback!