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Here is a game we just released for the 2022 Global game jam! We would love some feedback on how we can improve / expand the game! It was made over the course of 2 weeks! I hope you enjoy it!! :D



"RYD or DIE" is a rogue-like action dungeon crawler with a fun Job System. Each job has 2 abilities that enhance 2 of the player's stats. Level up the player by defeating enemies and have your stats grow based on your job choice. Leveling up jobs not only increases how much they enhance your abilities but will eventually lead to mastery. Mastering a job permanently increases your stat growth for every level AND unlocks even more JOBS. Fight through increasingly stronger enemies in 3 different biomes. Experience all 16 jobs, from Thief to Janitor, in RYD OR DIE. The game includes:

  • 16 unlockable classes
  • 32 unique abilities (2 per class)
  • 3 unique procedurally generated job-sites
  • 25 Unique enemies
  • 25 Unique artifacts to collect
  • 7 stats
  • endless fun!