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(3 edits)

Material Culture

Striga, Faun


  • Stone, Wood Bone and Horn, Skins, Hair and Wool, Clay, Plant Fiber
  • Copper
  • Advanced with Wood


The basic architectural style is split log longhouses. They are known to create homes for times or trouble in the trees of their heavily wooded forest area.


The culture honors the lunar phases specifically the Crescent Moon and New Moon. They call the Crescent Moon the Blessed Smile, stolen away by the Shadow of the New Moon, a time for caution.

The Time of the Smile is a celebration of great feasting, joy and dancing. The Shadow Time is celebrated by a festival where children dress as the Smiling Man or the Shadow and chase one another. The Smiling Man is a devilish trickster.

Virtue and Value

This culture values personal cunning. Cunning has helped their people survive in the great forest and brought the early Soviety together. Their society values Freedom. What this looks like is that every person contributes to the community but is expected to develop an interest of personal significance, a spark. They balance exploring their spark with supporting the needs of the community.