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There is no installation required for the game. It’s playable directly through the .exe file. If you are talking about unzipping the file, I suggest finding some other software that can unzip the compressed file for you. 

I am on a Windows 10 laptop trying to install through the desktop client. Version 4.0.1 had no issues but I cannot get 4.1 to install at all.

(1 edit)

"An error occurred during installation while extracting ... dmc_unrar_extract_file_with_callback: error 44 RAR 5.0 block checksum doesn't match."

I deleted all the failed files and the walkthrough, tried a clean install, still fails halfway through installation with the error I posted above. I've sent it to the team 3 times now.

Sorry. I have no idea what could be causing this. Maybe try just downloading the zip file from the downloads page instead of through the client.

How do I download the Zip file so it doesn't try to go through the itch desktop app? What downloads page are you referring to?

Go to this link.

Don't download the game through the app, just get it through your browser and unzip the file.

How do I unzip something? This is why I don't like PC gaming. :(

You need to have a program like winrar that unzips files. Once you have it installed, simply right click the .zip file and select "extract here". The  game folder should be produced. Just click game.exe to start playing. Hope that helps.

Sorry I haven't used PC's for anything other than work (which are locked down) in over 15 years. When I right click the file there is no extract here option, it wants me to specify where to extract it to.