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I'm assuming that I'm supposed to use the slingshot on Eeyore to help him get down, but I can't get across the bridge in order to reach him. :(


I got that from a few people. I'll say this: You're in the right neck of the (100 akre) woods, but focused on the wrong object. I made a few changes to how the sprites are drawn and added some dialogue and small map changes that I sincerely hope will make it less obtuse. Thanks for trying out my game. I haven't gotten a chance to dig deep on yours yet, but the art is wonderful.


Just replayed your game. The shadow under the bridge makes it so much clearer as to why I can't cross it. I also like that you added a second bridge next to where you find the slingshot to imply that's what you're supposed to use it for, but I think there might be a bug that causes both bridges to be lowered when you shoot down one of them.

Issues aside, I love this game. Good job.

~ A man who has angered The Bees

Oh yeah. I meant to fix that haha. I forgot to add a second global variable for the second log. I’ll fix that real quick.

I’m really glad you liked it! I’m all up in another jam but I’ll be sure to check out yours soon.