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(1 edit)

nice entry, GG. play was great along with the ambience & polish. cloud cover was a nice touch :) 2 suggestions if you continue development: 1) somehow indicate whether a platform is buildable/already has 2 turrets (and disallow the Slider if we can't build) & 2) indicate Successful Defense/Win  vs Game Over/Loss. I panicked when i couldn't see how i lost (when i didn't :) ). otherwise, good stuff!

Thank you for the feedback Virtual Nomad
Will do as you say.

Is it OK to upload an update now, or must we wait till the 6th?

(4 edits)

i thought u had somehow updated it; i got a notification advising that you had. Looking now and it might have been notification of the devlog post. But, the system shouldn't allow updates yet. Thats how i set it up. 

I only made devlog comments. Will wait to update.