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I am being so genuine when I say that I am absolutely in love with this game. Its so refreshing to see a true alien horror game coming onto the scene and I can't wait to see the full game. Everything is set up to become a HUGE hit! This is so unique in many ways and genuinely fun to play. Well done and can't wait to play the full game. 

I've been anxiously waiting for this game for a while. cant wait to see the final result! You are 100% right though, it is refreshing to see an alien horror game. I've wanted something like this for a long time! I hope they go all out and include abduction, maybe even having to escape alien craft or experiment!

TOTALLY refreshing. This feels like something completely new which is very much welcome in the horror gaming genre right now. I'm super excited to see where it all goes and just how far this story will ride.