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What a cute game! I'm glad I stumbled upon this, and I really enjoyed it for the small game it is. I just noticed a glitch during my gameplay, but I couldn't find anyone in the comments with a similar problem. My first day everyone rushed in to get coffees, everything was fine. But each day after that, the customers would get stuck in the door. The doorbell would ring, and they'll just be walking in place in the doorway until another customer walks in. This finally allowed the customer to walk in but leaving the next customer stuck as well. I figured adding the door mat would fix this problem, but it did not. It definitely made the gameplay a lot slower having customers stuck going in one or two at a time. Other than that, I loved the adorable sprites and jazzy music. This is a game that gets addicting fast! <3


I have the same issue with the customers but yeah the game is adorable !