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we're loving the changes. very chaotic and fun™ now. one issue we are seeing is that on our opponents turn our shield can get ramped up to over 1000 but then when our turn start it jumps down to like 650. whats up with that?

its certain to be in the works but we would at this point also very much like a save game

Thanks for giving it another try! The shields are kinda a more powerful form of healing that doesn't cap, but the downside is that you lose all your shields at the start of your turn (you are probably getting a lot of shields back after it's depleted from Defender/Absorb + stray projectiles). I don't communicate this very well, but I'll probably put it in the item descriptions at least xD

As for saving: that's on my list of things to do tomorrow! >:D
(will not work with web builds though)