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Alarmed, Mara fell off her broom

“Huh, who are you?”, Millie whispers.

"I could ask you the same thing."

Millie ignores Mara and starts picking mushrooms from the side of the alleyway and putting them into a basket.

“you deaf? I asked who you were and I think I deserve an answer since you knocked me off my broom and injured me.”

(1 edit)

“I don’t owe you any answers that I don’t want to give you.”

"oh that 's funny. I think you owe me plenty of answers. It's basic decency that if you magically appear out of nowhere as a slime that turned into a person in front of someone who clearly wanted to be alone, knocking them off a high place resulting in their injury, you don't get to ignore them and go on about your day like nothing happened. You didn't even say sorry."

“Apologies”, Millie says as she goes back to collecting mushrooms.

"...I don't accept your apology. Choke on your own spit."

“Mhkay”, Millie says as she melts into goop. “Goodbye”, she says distortedly.