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(1 edit)

Zombie King is done. Like...done done. Like programmed, arted, sounded, and will-be-releasing-on-iPhones-and-iPads-before-Halloween-done. But more on that later...

This is an iOS game that I am thinking of putting out on itchio too. Cost will be $1.99

The basic premise is that you are a king who was exiled and drowned but you came back so you could retake your throne. However you are dead so you have to upgrade yourself back to 100% regibility (aka the ability to be a king).

You do that by running through environments dodging monsters and collecting coins like this:

But the whole dead thing left you without much strength so you keep dying. But you can buy back just a little bit more energy each time.

And that makes you just a bit stronger so you can get just a bit further like this:

Besides energy there are a ton more abilities you can buy like armor, spike-walking-boots, double jump etc but I will show you those more in the coming weeks.

The whole game is done I am just waiting on final approvals from Apple. I will be posting more details about it here or you can join my mailing list where I give even more detail and alert you when my other games go on discount and even a free game to boot.