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Fantastic game! Perhaps an Android port in the future is possible? Just an idea. 


The game was pretty good in regards to, well, everything a nsfw game of this sort can offer, but certainly lacked in any sort of ambience, as well as sprites for the various places items may go (at least, in my opinion. If you're going to let us put stuff where stuff usually doesn't go, at least make it visible, no?) These are minor gripes overall and of course did not really affect the game in any serious way. I understand the game is fairly brand-new, so perhaps these could be ideas for future development. All in all though, good game.

I definitely did not just write a full review for a furry nsfw game, dear lord.


I'm not sure what you mean. If you're wanting for more sprite variations in the belly, I can confidently say it's not going to happen, as 3 spikeyness levels * 7 sizes * 3 frames = 63 unique sprites was already an ambitious undertaking, and some people already want me to make more for testicles and breasts in the future.

There's already an (admittedly basic) visualization of which cavity each object is in, and full animations for inserting and ejecting them.

Trying to do some sort of internal physics system so you can see stuff bouncing around would be a nightmare to get working smoothly, and it would be both a lot of effort and not be very readable if I made an X-Ray view or something.

What I have right now is a compromise I'm pretty happy with for what I want to achieve, and I think when the game is more mature the focus will shift away from the visual aspect, and more towards Riley's confounding presence in this world.

well that is good.