Works!! Could have been possibly that my fresh Windows install(not much over 24 hours ago), didn't have all the proper DirectX components yet, because your installer got them up. I love it so far honestly, I wasn't able to beat it first try, but I'm going to keep playing it! Great job, good respect for the theme(light as a weapon will probably be used in this jam a lot, but in that case it will still come down to how well the mechanics of said weapon is made). Is the amount of damage you do to enemies random? Like almost RPG style? Controls are very smooth, pixel art all fits well, music and sound effects are solid.
Guess I hadn't left the comment yet because it's still here, I made it to level 2. Very challenging, but not unfair too(the occasional health drops come in handy). Really well balanced, fun game so far. Great job man!
No problem! I honestly really didn't see anything as far as problems went either, but I've yet to play it all the way through(after submitting my game I was pretty well burnt out after the week of hell in doing my first Unity game), so I was pretty tired, but since you had gave pretty good feedback for my game(which made hindsight kick in for me, lol) I had to go at least check yours out right quick!