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Looking forward to Chapter 2 in terms of gameplay and expansion of the story. Though given the hints towards Chapter 5, both intentional and unintentional (seriously, dev, check your published RenPy assets - spoilers be there!), really looking forward to what seemingly is shaping up to be "The One Where Everyone Remembers the Time Loops" and Orlam's depravity and control-freakishness being driven to their logical extremes.


Oh, gosh.................................... whoops.

Yeah... erm, I wasn't great about deleting unused/upcoming images from the images folder in the game. Mostly because it's wildly unorganized already, and also I assumed most people wouldn't care enough to actively try to get into the archive file (apparently that was an incorrect assumption though LOL). I did at least delete non-Arc 1 music files and Aseprite files to save on space haha.

I will make a point of cleaning things up better for the Arc 2 version when it releases though. For the time being, consider it a prize spoiler LOL Though to be honest, some of the stuff I've already drawn for future arcs (past Arc 2, at least) that's present in there is more of sketches to test out/cycle through ideas in a visible format and/or something that will likely be redrawn later to be better once I actually reach the part of the game in question. So it might end up that some of those won't actually be used in-game (though the final assets would likely be somewhat similar)

I'm very glad you're still looking forward to the future arcs though even after the unintentional spoilers!! Though now I only hope I can live up to your expectations hahaha. Thank you as always for your kind words and support (and for kicking me into gear about my assets lol)!