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I found a softlock in the deserted base. My game autosaved inside when I had both parasites and 80% ero so no matter where I go if I encounter a single enemy I die. I have a save inside of the base but I have to go get the key from mistyra's room, and no matter what I do I can't seem to beat her or any of the enemies because I don't have enough mana potions to shock the enemies with electric shock, so I get both parasites no matter what I do. I can't make it out of the deserted base without encountering an enemy and dying because I can't shock them, and struggling when they put the parasite on your face does nothing. Is there anything I can do or do I have to restart the entire game? I already had 3 hours on this save.

Also, I tried saving every time I managed to get to a new room, but it got to the point that no matter where I went in a room I encountered an enemy 100% of the time so I just softlocked myself even further.

I just restarted the game. I'll be sure to save before going to deserted base this time around

ahh, that's really unlucky. For reference next time, whenever you see red text, it's to warn you that where you're entering is potentially game ending territory, so you should keep a backup save.

When the enemy is about to put the parasite on your face, it'll show a certain text. If you guard when that happens, you can dodge the attack.

Also, if you do end up stuck, you can do a new game+, found in the sanctum. It'll start you over from the beginning, but keep your character and possessions.


Thank you for replying, I'll remember that going forwards. Knowing that now is a huge help lol

I recommend bringing angel milk so you heal HP and reduce ero