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  1. 1/10. In the same way that video games haven’t replaced books, or movies haven’t replaced theatre, I don’t expect the same to happen here.
  2. 7/10.
  3. -. I’m not sure what this question implies. Is it that people are too lazy to write on a keyboard? Ultimately, the challenge in a text-adventure game is not the interface but the processing and interpretation of user input.
  4. 10/10. Inevitable, knowing people’s unhealthy obsession with AI.
  5. 1/10. For the same reason as point 1.
  6. 10/10. This has practically happened already, looking at ARGs.
  7. 7/10. I can see this being an additional genre, but nothing more.
  8. 1/10. Nothing will be abandoned, but maybe complemented. I’m also not sure what it means for an audiobook to be illustrated, let alone animated. That should imply it’s not just audio.
  9. 8/10. Knowing people’s obsession with technology and “immersion”, probably. Little do they know how immersive a plain ol’ book can be.
  10. 1/10. For the same reason as point 1.
  11. 3/10.

I may have been too harsh in places, as this is a touchy subject for me.

Thank you for the answers really appreciate them, and I for one see no harshness in your answers, as you provided fair reasoning for them. The scenarios are... extreme, I know, but they are so by design. 

After all, I'm not asking black and white answers of "yes or no" but rather you are free to ponder how much of or how strongly said scenario might come to pass with the grades 1 - 10. Like the point you made about the 8th scenario, with nothing being abandoned, instead maybe complimented. I see that not as a harsh "definitely not" but as a fair "Not entirely, but some part of it, perhaps". 

I wasn't honestly expecting any 10/10 answers, simply because of how ridiculously extreme the scenarios are (the fact that "all" of something would be affected or replaced just seems impossible no matter how you look at it).

I also don't mind honesty, everyone has a bias, and most do not hide it in forums, which is why I wanted to ask these things in forums, hoping that different biases would balance each other out and result in a more generally viable opinion.

And by illustrated audiobook, I meant, perhaps, something like an interactive cartoon or comic book (you know, with voice acting instead of subtitles, and so on).

And also, I did not mean lazyness with speech recognition, but more like a continuation of the Skyrim: Very Special Edition trailer.

But thanks for the answers once more! May you have a fine day (or night).