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I really liked this, solid ratings all round. My biggest gameplay criticism is that failing should be "restart the level" not "restart the game" in a game of this length. The most major bug was that all the captions for the event seemed to show the one for the prehistoric land bridge, which was a pity.

On the history side, some of the presentation of things could have been made a bit fuzzier, making it clearer in earlier periods that the events were "circa" and indeed were in many cases really processes, rather than the slightly old-school "this happened in this year" way of presenting things.. I really liked the red herring events and I particularly liked the half-plausible sounding ones (like "Romans invading Ireland"), but wasn't sure they did much game-wise (unless there was some penalty for drag-and-dropping them that I didn't find).

Anyway, generally really liked it, good job!

Oh dear! I spent many hours yesterday typing in all 42 descriptions from Wikipedia - and forgot to take out my hardcoded test text - which as you noticed appeared for all the events.  I will fix that once we are allowed update after the voting ends.

I agree about restarting the level  rather than the entire game.  I had lots of other ideas that didn't make it - such as a british flag tile that ate the other tiles, but there wasn't time.

Many thanks for the feedback - really appreciated considered there are 119 entries.