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Is the Sonic/Shrek stuff the end of the game or is there more stuff after that? Where are those characters in the screenshots? I didn't see them.

(1 edit) (-1)

The characters from the screenshots are from Knackels military base. From the first room, head left and speak to the cat in the junction. This is where I made these screenshots.

There is no content after the final battle with SANIC and SHREK, but since you got there in 10 minutes, you probably skipped a lot of content before getting there by cheating. I am assuming you either used a warp cheat or you used a walk through walls cheat to get to the final boss in minutes, because when play testing it took me 2 hours to beat the game, and I am assuming, if you don't know all the right paths and boss strategies you would need 3-4 hours. If you go back and play as intended, you will notice the massive immersive world, the very unique and interesting Story and the unique twist on the classic turn based combat.

Your enemies damage are too low or don't damage the players at all.


The enemies don't deal any damage, because damage sucks!

When playing RPGs, I noticed, that every time, I took damage, it caused negative emotions. And it got worse when dying. Especially in Dark Souls. So I thought, why do RPGs have this feature that causes negative emotions? Games are supposed to be fun! That's just plain bad game design! I needed to fix that in my game!