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I really enjoyed this game. It legitimately creeped me out and had me far more scared than I usually get when playing these types of games. Although I felt the game lacked ambience in places, it still managed to have a very oppressive atmosphere. The way the SCP moves is very unnerving. I wasn't too freaked out until I saw it walk, you really did the movements justice. Exactly how I imagine a mannequin-like thing to move. 

I did turn down the graphics settings just because I'm used to having to do that for most games by default. But even with them down on the second lowest setting the game still looked amazing! I'm sure you already saw my video but I love the water filled room in particular. 

You've done an awesome job making a truly scary short horror game in my opinion. Thanks for making it!


thanks man, u r kind, appreciated <3

and thanks for playing! glad u liked it