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Hello, got some feedback :)

So at first, I thought the shooting system wasn't working. You should make it clear that you have to find ammo first, as I don't think that was made very clear. Moving around can also be a little difficult too, maybe adjust the speed at which the ship moves when you right click. 

I like the UI, simple and fits. Also, I like that you've added sound and music to the game. A common joke of mine, I sometimes can't be bothered to add a sound manager to smaller games haha. 

As for the background, I notice that the stars stay in the same position. Maybe use particle systems to create a star space background. If you need help on it, I got a video on how to quickly and simply do it. Check out one of my space games for reference of it.

Keep up the good work :) feel free to get in touch if you want another game tested and given feedback. You can message me here or join my discord and contact me there. My discord link is in my profile page.

Thank you so much for taking the time to have a look at my game and giving me some feedback. I really appreciate it :)
ah and the further away the mouse cursor is from the ship, the more it accelerates. I think it's easier to control if you know that.