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(2 edits) (-1)


The game is also very clever in how it sidesteps the no-text restriction. I didn't think that a game with dialogue would even be possible under the constraints, but you've proven me wrong. Very nice work.

I love the aesthetics. The character is rigged very nicely, especially the way the man slithers out from the well. The choice of music also fits very well with the aesthetic, and (this might me just my imagination) the fact that the music progresses after you regressed is a nice touch.

The story is one thing I'm not completely sure about. I appreciate the twist involving the baby girl and how it's set up. The first scene raised so many questions, including: "why is the father not here?", "why is the mother crying?", and "why is the only thing interactive is a picture of a man drinking orange juice?", all of which points to the father being the villain, or so I thought. The ending, however, didn't really explain the origin of the man or the significance of the burning books. Perhaps a large part of it is left surreal, which I don't have a problem about. But if that's not the case, I'm very curious to know what I missed.