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(1 edit)

hi! I just downloaded v. 14.1 (entire 8gb file) for pc/android and and then loaded the game on Renplay v.1.01.400 by following all your instructions. But whenever i try to open Renplay it will automatically shut down without giving any error. Why is this happeneing?

I played v 13.1 on Renplay before and it worked fine but this one doesn't work. I had to delete v13.1 and install v14.1 because of storage space. Please help me. 🙇‍♂️


Unfortunately the only help I can offer is to follow the instructions as closely as possible.

Thanks Runey it works now, the game couldn't load because of low storage space the ZIP file was only half extracted. 

You are awesome ((:

How did you manage to sort this issue out as I think I've got the same problem 😂


As he said, it seems that the solution is making more space on your device.