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What a fun game.  Your level design is top notch.  Seems like something the speed runners would love.  The difficulty is nicely tuned, although I did find some parts needed flags to be not so far away as it's a real punish to topple 4-5 screens back at times.  Music is also nicely placed.

Great job overall though.

Thanks! Yeah, it does get pretty difficult in some areas, I'll keep that in mind for the future :)

I don't know how you get the time to do these when you are working on Flynn, but it was a real nice entry.  Your skills in implementing high levels of polish is impressive, and envious :)

I'd love if you could look at my entry, Porter, and give some advice on improvements as I follow you on Twitter and respect your opinion greatly. Cheers.

Thanks Peter, that means a lot! And absolutely, I'll give Porter a go very soon and drop you some feedback. :)