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Hey, thanks for commenting such amazing, and flattering, feedback! I'll try to address all your points.

1. Actually, changing the rendering mode to sand doesn't make it run much faster. It's the fact that it's doing any rendering at all, not really how many pixels it's changing at once.
2. I actually fixed that.  Check out the description!
3. There's not much I can do about that, but I do know some techniques (which I'll use for sure in my next game)
4. Sound effects would be cool, there's not much to say about that. Will definitely have them in my next game
5. Moving bumpers are bit too complicated when I'm mostly focusing on other parts of the game.
6. The weighted chance system is one of those things that some people like and others don't. Personally, I think it's a nice addition of strategy.

Also, in case your curious about why I'm mentioning my "next game" a lot instead of saying I'll fix this game: I talked about that in my devlog